I am pleased to report to as many people as possible, two important events in the world Vegan, which will take place in coming days.
This weekend, in Brugherio (MI), will be held on Veganch'io . Three days
(8-9-10 June) meetings, entertainment, good food ( organic and sustainable ) to spread a new culture of respect and rights : live, and well, without killing and without exploiting none.
are invited to participate in all ages, even children will be able to approach the issue of animal rights in a friendly and complete.
For more information:
http://www.veganchio.org/ ,

The next week, Grugliasco (TO), at The Park Serre, another Three days of living Vegan.
is staged, in fact, the fifth edition of VegFestival , the largest in Europe Festival Vegan.
main purpose: to be known by those who are not vegan, and then the first guests are the people who know this subject just a little and would like to know more, or who is curious to try the vegan cooking, or even just take a ride through the stands: publishing, literature, children's area, exhibits, but also food, clothing, body products.
All, of course, humane to animals and respects the environment and people .
I wish to underline the culinary skills of the volunteers of the Festival, which you can see for themselves the restaurant set up inside the park, and the exceptional service bar with beer, soft drinks, wines, tropical juices.
The fact that the bar service is also offered by myself, it's just a mere detail and supercifiale ... but if you present at the counter saying "I read your blog " I promise you a discount of 50% (but do not tell anyone, especially a Manufacturer ).
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