It still came out Adelphi's latest book Andrej Longo Who Killed Sarah? , a thriller in the old way, which consumes a few pages of the unfolding investigation into the death of a young woman. Sarah is twenty years old, is part of Naples and well not seem to be no evidence to justify his death. Yet his body is there, lifeless, slumped on the stairs of a building in Via Posillipo, the beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe city. History, in fact, affects only marginally the Camorra of Naples and its suburbs to the demolition of neighborhoods to focus on middle-class suburbs of the city, those that are home to stately homes and prestigious shops . Nothing criminal or degradation and poverty, what we want to show Longo is the respectability of bourgeois hypocrisy of the rich and their terrible truth hidden. Yet, as noted by Giorgio De Rienzo the Corriere della Sera , Who Killed Sarah , rather than a true yellow, looks like a Bildungsroman, as the protagonist's life, the cop Acanfora " change in the first encounter with death: "Sometimes - reflects the young - some thoughts not jump out of nowhere. It seems that they do not mean anything, without rhyme or fantasies. But if one thinks them, it means that one reason there is. " And is pursuing That's why Acanfora goes in search of the culprit and, more or less consciously, to himself.
Tuesday, May 25 to 19 at the restaurant Basilico, Clive Rutar 76, 00152 Rome, drink with the author: Andrej Longo will speak with his players Who Killed Sarah .
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