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Film: The Taste of Others
The Taste of Others ( Le goût des autres , France 1999): A film dialogues and actors - including the same director, Agnès Jaoui - to tell of how difficult it is to communicate with others. According to Luke Baroncini site Central do Cinema, "the film points out in an original and very naturally the absolute subjectivity of taste, the result of a personal sensibility is not always derived from the social context that, by choice, chance or laziness, it is ends up attending. " It speaks well Morando Morandini, who in his film Dictionary defines the film a "rare blend of psychology and sociology, cruelty and compassion, strength of construction and sure cure nuances, simplicity and refinement. "
Thursday, June 10 to 21-night film club at the Circle of Fifths (Viale Trenta April 4, 00152 Rome)
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