From September 17 to 19 were held all over the world the events of STAND UP (stand up .. Against poverty). standup@millenniumcampaign.it and http://www.standupitalia.it/
A 17 Latina spaces Salesian Oratory.
E 'symbolic affirmation created to demonstrate for the attainment of the objectives Millennium (Millennium Development Goals ): the 8 goals set in 2000 by the UN to fight poverty, disease and ignorance in world that are
1.Eliminare extreme poverty and hunger, universal primary education
3.Promuovere gender equality and the empowerment of women
4.Lotta infant mortality
6.Combattere maternal health HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases, environmental sustainability
8.Sviluppare a global partnership for sustainable development
some data:
-1.02 billion people in the world - a sixth of the world's population suffer from hunger;
-22,000 children die every day from starvation and related diseases;
- 1 billion people lack access to clean water.
The date of the event preceded a few days the United Nations Summit that took stock of the situation in 5 years from the deadline, that is, 2015, to achieve its objectives and was a way to put pressure on governments national.
In 2009 more than 173 million people participated in Stand Up events.
The Summit in New York has tested as we are far from Target because of non-payment of promised contributions by wealthier nations.
The Summit ended with an appeal of Obama, but it has not taken the measure of a microtassa on financial transactions (proposed by Sarkozy), which he was to have the necessary resources.
A 17 Latina spaces Salesian Oratory.
E 'symbolic affirmation created to demonstrate for the attainment of the objectives Millennium (Millennium Development Goals ): the 8 goals set in 2000 by the UN to fight poverty, disease and ignorance in world that are
1.Eliminare extreme poverty and hunger, universal primary education

3.Promuovere gender equality and the empowerment of women
4.Lotta infant mortality
6.Combattere maternal health HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases, environmental sustainability
8.Sviluppare a global partnership for sustainable development
some data:
-1.02 billion people in the world - a sixth of the world's population suffer from hunger;
-22,000 children die every day from starvation and related diseases;
- 1 billion people lack access to clean water.
The date of the event preceded a few days the United Nations Summit that took stock of the situation in 5 years from the deadline, that is, 2015, to achieve its objectives and was a way to put pressure on governments national.
In 2009 more than 173 million people participated in Stand Up events.
The Summit in New York has tested as we are far from Target because of non-payment of promised contributions by wealthier nations.
The Summit ended with an appeal of Obama, but it has not taken the measure of a microtassa on financial transactions (proposed by Sarkozy), which he was to have the necessary resources.
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