Saturday, November 20 in the gymnasium of Dante Alighieri school in Città di Castello, was held the 5th day of Serie C1, TT Tifernum between "A" and the TT ACLI Lugo. While playing a little exciting, with a high intensity game and emotions. A challenge that remains in the memory of the people for a long time. The home team was presented with the same line last week against the TT velvet beach, or, George Baglioni, Alessandro Carloni and Joseph Pincardini, while opponents down to the field with the Romanian Picu, Castellani, Tampieri. The challenge kicks off with a meeting between Baglioni and Tampieri, which started just playing against the current to the Tifernate that, never getting into the game could not impose his own game, stopping about 3 to 1. Then came the turn of Pincardini that wonderful present for all the great form, could be overcome by a surprising 3 to 0 Picu, a number of the opposing team, bringing in Tifernate equality. It was the turn of Carloni that without too much difficulty prevailed against Castellani with a net 3 to 0.
In the fourth meeting addressed Picu Baglioni and after a very difficult match, unable to penetrate to 3 to 2 on bringing Tifernate 3 to 1. Then once again against Tampieri Carloni, which unfortunately was defeated 3 to 2, with several unfortunate incidents. Equally Pincardini against Castellani could not find the game for losing 3 to 0. So the situation after a quick advantage of the Alto Tiberina team, came back again in a draw. Indeed, the visiting team is led by 4 to 3 on Picu he could beat Carloni for 3 to 0. But the game had not yet ended, and Baglioni knew, because in the game against Tifernum Castellani carried the same again and succeeded in commanding 3 to 1. The final and decisive match of the four, saw in our field athlete Joseph Pincardini, against Charles Tampieri. The game has proven high-voltage, where after the first two sets won by Tifernate, Tampieri reacted, catching up, going to the two peers. Last set Pincardini exhausted by fatigue, was further supported by the team effort, and many fans wore the team to victory. A great roar covered the gym, with a crowd of people who literally drowned Pincardini for the big game and most important victory won.
Gio.Ba .

Gio.Ba .
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