L 'installation is called "Are you really sure That Can Also be a floor to ceiling?" , but in the exhibition is called, more familiarly, "Butterfly the cottage."
It 's a large rectangular glass off the floor and to which there are plants and a large number of butterflies .
plants and butterflies to welcome your guests inside the structure, but also by walking around.
astonishing vision of the structure, isolated in a huge space of the museum, and in curious contrast to the ultra-modern property and involves the MACRO ... surprising. It 'a corner of nature set in a metropolitan context.
Butterflies and large, small brightly colored and incredibly varied and beautiful represents
in anus natural environments, the most delicate and full of values \u200b\u200band meanings. The
butterflies, as we know it, are the indicators for the environment, their presence is a sign of clean and healthy environment, but their disappearance is indicative of a serious environmental degradation.
The butterflies are then the symbol of the growing awareness of modern humans of the need of safeguarding the natural environment, are at the same time, a stimulus for concrete actions to protect the ecological system from the risks of continued global growth of an economy without control .
Butterflies and large, small brightly colored and incredibly varied and beautiful represents

butterflies, as we know it, are the indicators for the environment, their presence is a sign of clean and healthy environment, but their disappearance is indicative of a serious environmental degradation.
The butterflies are then the symbol of the growing awareness of modern humans of the need of safeguarding the natural environment, are at the same time, a stimulus for concrete actions to protect the ecological system from the risks of continued global growth of an economy without control .
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