Monday, February 21, 2011

Snotty Mucus Pregnant

Another positive weekend for team Tifernate

Also in the square this weekend Tifernate win all their matches.
The number of positive and 'began on Friday' evening, where the formation of D2 Aldinucci Mario, Francesco Biagini and Corrado Benedetti, committed between friends tack, flying training of Castiglione del Lago with a dry 5 to 0.
At the same time, but in the transfer of Passignano, the team of Alexander D1 Baglioni, Roberto Falcini and promising young Tifernate Lorenzo Falcini impose themselves against the hosts always with a score of 5 to 0, to emphasize the two points to Lorenzo.
On Saturday, in the gymnasium of Dante Alighieri school of Citta 'di Castello, and' took to the field training of TT Tifernum "A" engaged in the national championship series C1, where George Tifernate Baglioni, Alessandro Carloni and Joseph Pincardini addressed the team TT Senigallia, where after a balanced start, both teams found themselves on the 3 to 3, Tifernate put a plus', where, before Alessandro (3 points in as many games) and then George (2 points) have won their respective matches, so close 'to meeting the 5 to 3 in favor of TT Tifernum. With this victory
training Tifernate keeps the second place in the group.


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