During this time I am oppressed by a thousand thoughts,
doubts, uncertainties ...
questions not answered, even if I try at the end of me, as
recommend someone.
job, home, Spain or Italy,
to greet new friends, old friends to meet again,
a return to the most beautiful city in Italy,
habits be abandoned,
uncertainty for the future, near or distant it is.
A lot of worries, a sense of heaviness in the stomach,
sometimes unbearable.
But all this, today, another thought came to occupy the restricted availability
of my brain: why
hours ago, the Carabinieri came to visit my blog?
I know that I have not done anything wrong
(on these pages, I mean),
but it's like when you're in a store or a supermarket,
have to go out and you have to go through those columns, anti-thief
know you have not stolen anything, but hold your breath for a second
cold sweat, hoping that it goes off.
salute the Praise .
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