Ivan Scalfarotto signs up and wants to DS start doing things right in the future Democratic Party. From his speech, that will read this afternoon at the congress of the DS are a couple of examples, those who point out and say the same things I say and I think, say and think that many young people in Italy and abroad, who want to try to do and change something.
I live five years in this great country called Europe, now probably the country to generate Ryan Air, for the generation that at least a decade living in a country that stretches like a great London is home to Paris from Barcelona to Berlin. A generation curious and open, yes, but today cut but relentlessly and inexplicably out of politics .
I saw Italy from the outside, then I looked inside, and what I saw - one the same thing, despite the change of perspective - is a country with same time by many problems, a country that seems inevitably to be left behind out of breath, a country that struggles, seems afraid to create, to experiment, to invent a future . To invest in the future, putting optimism and imagination. It 's a fearful country, but -' s, I have seen - is a country alive, and crossed by incredible energy, and many opportunities .
power in Italy is old. The ruling classes are old. Most of the decisions in our country is taken by those who, by any other work, it would be abundantly beyond the age beyond which you can no longer postpone retirement . In times of crisis we rely solely on experience, we fear the waste, lateral thinking, unexpected perspectives. The world is changing and we look back.
In time of difficulties lack the courage of talent, the courage to trust those who have perhaps less if he looks behind him a lot but if you look straight ahead.
Italy discount in many sectors (eg civil rights, technology, cultural policies, school, university and research) the failure of my generation - or object was impossible for it - to be generated Government. Countries that were able to give more advanced countries on these issues are driven by persons expression of new generations. Everyone is basically a child of his time and ability to govern not only the result of intelligence, reasoning. The art of governing is the art of reading and understanding the social phenomena, and do not only with the head, but also with the instinct to your stomach. One thing is to regulate the things we learned from adults who understand rationally but are inevitably a place away from you, very different and instead manage the natural world in which we grew up, that belongs to us completely by custom and familiarity. Who has forty years in many areas of life at the height of its power and at a time of maturity. The generation of forty who should be the backbone of society. If they say you're young at forty, know that is not true. It is they who are old.
Parliament, such as universities, businesses, the establishment in general is the prerogative of those who I call "perpetual." A group of people all the same (white, male, Roman Catholic, married, fully capable and self-styled heterosexual) that no representation was 5% of the country but who govern it as if Italy had done in their own image and likeness.
must ensure that Italy is governed by a policy that looks like, because no policy can be a good policy if it has no face, the expectations, the expression and the colors of the people who govern. It 's a generational issue, but not all. It 'a matter of having all the voices around the table, (including the elderly, certain) to be able to read our reality from different points of view , in short, to be able to watch the moon and not the finger.
Our ruling class survives to itself, or is perpetuated from father to son, as in a caste system . E 'Italy without social mobility, Italy of professional bodies, the university town of baronies, the country where very often we understand the job you do for the family name, leading as they did with the lanari, goldsmiths and manaschicalchi In the Middle Ages. E 'Italy where equal opportunities are mixed with an egalitarianism that reduces everything to the same mass and force our best talent to go away or get worn out in endless tins . E 'Italy of the legal value of the qualification, where the piece of paper that is still taking more of the things you know.
Yet our many brain drain - that our incredible wealth - gladly return, if only it would make it possible . Attention, not giving them work, not giving them a salary, let alone a transitional grant. It is not only the economic security they seek, not for money that is gone. Give them the opportunity to spread their wings, give them the opportunity to demonstrate their talents in an environment where talent is the only and non-membership (at a family party or a clan) that matters and return, you'll see, come back.
Civil rights
We can continue to tear discussing what a family. Meanwhile, the country moves, lives, politics lags behind. The people love the way they want, they love as they can. There is no law that can put the banks desire to build a life together. 'S why I say that the Act, as timid and insufficient, it should be approved, and soon. Why a policy that stubbornly refuses to become aware of what exists and to regulate is a policy that has lost. And if the law does not say is what we wanted, well, you can not give responsibility to the Minister Pollastrini and his staff. That is no longer faithfully represents the law in a country where even the gay community has historically had the courage to ask for things that many other countries whose legal culture is not given question are data acquired peacefully and that Italy can not even appoint .
diversity, culture, the secular state
[...] Just open the door of any school. The many colors and the many cultures of ethnic non-Italian Italian soon knocking at the doors of the world labor, at the gates of our universities, our businesses. I have a cousin who is a teacher support Manzano, Friuli, and is learning Chinese. I have a friend who is a lawyer and his trainee, who has a delightful accent Lombard family name is Hu. I even read that in Milan there were 3000 people who call themselves Hu, against only 900 Brambilla. This is also important that the secular state there is no hesitation on the part of anyone. Because only a secular state can be deeply respectful of all identities and be the welcoming home of all its citizens . Hu Brambilla be called or should be irrelevant.
The precarious
workers under the age of forty suffer from an insecurity that does no good to them or their companies: a generation is completely abandoned, with no pension, no rights, no nothing, not even a hope . Then we have an aging workforce which is instead given everything: stability, wages, union representation and protection, pension. From there the children of the fathers here. Beyond the outsiders, the insiders from here, separated by an insurmountable barrier. How much longer can we afford it?
The Democratic Party is the only possible answer is the stream of creativity which may allow the turn, demonstrates the confidence that starts the virtuous cycle, is betting on the talent and imagination that for too many years the country - and much of its leadership - has the courage to do.
It 's the Democratic Party that changes the country, pushing the ball down the slope of the mountain lit by the sun, what hope, what of the future, that of wanting to take risks and to accept a bet. And 'the Democratic Party that rewards merit, and defends the weak, the Democratic Party of the excluded, the Democratic Party of the young, the one that opens at the time of women. And 'the Democratic Party of Italians of all races, all cultures, all religions. The Democratic Party of families, of all families.
All I agree with that reported here in full, had expressed the same things that I tried to write me at times in recent months blog.
Maybe (sure) did better than I was able to do so.
Scalfarotto The conclusion reached in the last paragraph, I hope that is correct.
If nothing else, deserves, at the moment, my faith and my hope.
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