Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Does Raspberry Zinger Tea Soften The Cervix

Old City of Privett

Palazzo Comunale di Priverno Privett is an ancient town in the province of Latina , was a powerful city of Volsci destroyed by the Romans in the fourth century . and became, later, a rich Roman colony .- http://www.comune.priverno.latina.it/
the long history of this center are in evidence Municipal Archaeological Museum , in ' archaeological area of \u200b\u200bthe Assumption and Old Town presenting ancient and beautiful medieval buildings .
Center Privett is the square of one side that sees the Town Hall and on the other Cathedral.

The town hall dates back to 1200, recently restored, has undergone several renovations over the centuries, but has retained characteristics of municipal buildings.
the bottom has a porch that has three elegant pointed arches, the upper floors instead there are three lights and windows.

leone stiloforo della cattedrale The cathedral is dedicated to Santa Maria Annunziata, was consecrated in 1183 but several changes have transformed the original Romanesque structure.
remain elements of the thirteenth sec.nel portico of the facade that has vaults supported by columns and pillars held up by lions .

Walking in the country and uphill along the narrow streets, with old stone houses, suddenly opens fascinating glimpses of the landscape ... and so you can see the mountains that surround Ausoni Lepini and Privett, right in the valley that separates the two mountain ranges via del centro di Priverno .


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