Over the past two days I came across three photos that I have made an impression - each in its own way - for different reasons.
1) To each his own
This comes from Slovenia, from Ljubljana precisely.
is beautiful, that's all.
Or I could explain it with a nice pistolotto the fact that often the animals are regarded as a problem in our civilized society, and that here in Spain, for example, their access is prohibited on any public transport unless such carriage is not done within a cage. Do you
2) Without words
He is a marine of the United States of America drinking cobra's blood during training for survival in the jungle, Chanthaburi, Thailand.
I refrain from any comment.
3) The whole world is country
no time then that certain things can only happen in Italy that in other parts of the world does not happen .
Luis Díaz Alper, current mayor of Alicante and candidate for reelection in the ranks of the PP, charged for alleged crimes of corruption planning, has seen fit to put up one of his own huge campaign posters on the facade of a building under construction of his friends ... On the other hand, one hand washes the other, not!
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