In the world of politics can not amaze me more than anything. Since I have been in Spain, In addition, I learned that it is not only Italy having several problems with its own political and social - the first thing I was quite convinced in the illusion that " abroad so that you are well " -.
In other parts of the world, at times, then do not fare much better nor much worse either.
Even here in Spain broke out a big mess of corruption (urban), even here in Spain, young people encounter many problems to go out and find a decent job with a decent wage, to afford a home worthy of the name . Even in Spain the public health leaves much to be desired (from personal experience, trust me).
And politics, Well I think the policy has ended a long time of being serious, worldwide, right. This is not moralizing or questionable statements, is that I do not see anything to do with politics nor give vibrators, nor the promise 40,000 blowjob in exchange for votes. What does a trumpet sound social policies, the family, with issues related to environment, etc.. etc. etc..? None. Either one that the others are sacrosanct for charity would be great if people around the world could enjoy it (!) And benefit from it periodically, but not a relationship between them.
Despite all this, the challenge of Tania Dervaux , the NEE of the Belgian Senate candidate, who promised fellatio 40,000 to as many voters, I like it. No, not easy to make comments or suspected ironic. I like the idea, I find it perfectly in tune with today's world. On the other hand it is not the first time that sex and politics are so closely related: there you will forget the case mica Monica Lewinski?
And then, you know what a scandal. María Dolores Jiménez , Municipal Councillor of the PP in Lepe (Huelva) had already been stripped recently, to the delight of his constituents.
is a provocation, they say ... and then do things right, please. Go all the way, please. And even if
Tania Dervaux does not keep the promise, what's the problem? Politics is full of people not following what he says during the election campaign, is not it?
Many politicians think like today if instead of the gray matter had dirattamente the bird, and then let us make the protagonist him and sex. Enough talk
always say, homosexuals, the case Sircana, Berlusconi and his escapades.
Blowjob for all, and nothing else. This is the solution.
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