"The problem in front of which we assume, from year to year, more and more serious connotations' in front of the audience of mayors from 30 countries across Europe gathered in the Assembly of the Network ECAD (European Cities Against Drugs) in Istanbul, Letizia Moratti has led some Data on the prevalence of cocaine in Italy: 700,000 are regular users, 7% of the population had used at least once, 15% of those assisted by public services is being treated for addiction to this substance. According to the
Moratti «[...] as implemented to date has not been sufficient to stem the spread of drugs and, above all, has not curbed their changing cultural market. The public institutions and in particular political institutions, whether local, national or supranational, deeply should review their policies to address these issues .
«[...] I am convinced that a company manager, supportive, caring people can not accept that part of his young self destructive, ruining, together with his life, that of family and friends, and in causing permanent damage to the community. "
( corriere.it )
So, I understand, crackdown in the Italian Parliament (but also in the upper echelons of finance, in the entertainment world, etc..), To begin to set a good example, not!
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